Monday, January 23, 2006

Whit and I Have a Sleepover

Saturday Whit and I decided to make sangria and eat stinky cheese. I was responsible for the wine. Not being a great wine connoisseur, I went to the snotty wine shop in Farmington and asked the guy there what was a good sangria wine and also for a good White Riesling. He asked whether I wanted German or domestic, so I thought, Aha! I will get German and be all sophisticated! So, with my sophisticated wine and the cute little chocolate mousse mice that I bought from the snotty grocery store in Farmington, I headed to Whit's.

We had a very fun night. We went to an excellent pizza restaurant near her that she wasn't aware was excellent so she will be eternally grateful for my having introduced her to this place. What makes an excellent pizza in my book is fresh. Fresh dough, fresh sauce, fresh toppings--especially the mozzarella must be fresh.

Whit commented on this man that comes out of the woods near her apartment and rides his horse around the area. Apparently, on his latest outing, he was wearing Navy dress blues. Hmm, I thought. How hot. But then she said he was old so no, not hot. I asked the waitress if she knew the man on the horse and she did. I think Whit was relieved to finally have independent corroboration on this thing because she suspected we all thought she was going mad.

When we got back to the apartment we cracked open the pitcher of sangria we had made. It was a bit bitter so we added Sweet n Low and cherry 7up and some vodka. That made it better. We had lots more, watched Monster In Law, and then started drunk dialing. First on the list: Ben, since we have both received drunk calls from him. But alas, Lord Ben did not deem to answer his phone. Next we called Eli, who amused us for at least an hour until my cell battery went dead.

Sunday we went to IHop but they had a long wait so I called Timmy from my old job and asked where else we should go. (I did not just randomly call him; he lives in the area so I thought he might have a clue.) On his advice, we went to a Denny's one town over. I was quite happy with my scrambled egg dish. We went and got a car charger for my cell phone and made fun keys at Lowe's. They are fun because they are Wacky Keys, with designs covering the surface of the key. Whit suggested Ikea and I suggested mani-pedis. We went with my suggestion but it took us an hour of driving to remember that the only place open on a Sunday must be in the mall so we finally ended up there.

After that, we parted ways for the day. Overall, a quite enjoyable little sleepover, though I fear at some point during the wee hours of the morning I woke up screaming, "YES!" (I was very excited about a dream I was having.) (No, not that kind of dream, you sicko!)

Oh, and the stinky cheese was very good.

P.S. For male readers, if you'd like you can throw in a pillow fight in our lingerie. Of course, that didn't really happen. Or did it??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i was a good amusement for you gals
