Thursday, February 16, 2006

Today is a :) Day

I went into Dunkin Donuts this morning, paid the nice lady, and then walked out. Problem? I never took my coffee. Some days I wonder how I manage to wipe my own ass in the mornings. And yesterday I was at that point again: The go commando or else do the laundry point. So do you know what I did? I bought new underwear just to avoid doing the laundry for a few more days.

I am raising forgetfulness and procrastination to an art form and I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed.

I walked the dog today in a t shirt and I wasn't cold. The sky was so blue and there were just a few fluffy white clouds--you know, the kind you make into animals when you are a kid. I am so missing Spring. It's going to be cold again this weekend and that just sucks. I think I have that what do you call it-SID? No, that's Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SAD, that's it. Seasonal Affective Disorder. I need to get a prescription for sunshine to make me happy.

But today I am happy, all on my own. Part of that is the sunny day. And part of it is that I get to wear this pretty new pink tweed jacket to an interview. I don't really care if I get the job; in fact, the more I learn about it, the less I think I want it. But I like printing out my resumes on the nice, heavy watermarked resume paper and putting on pretty clothes and getting to meet new people.

Today is a smiley day.


Kay Richardson said...

I wish it was sunny here. I wish I had a pink tweed jacket too.

Tina said...

I'm sure you would look stunning in a pink tweed jacket, Kay. If you are ever in the area you can borrow mine.