Thursday, March 06, 2008

Why, Yes. Yes I Was Drunk.

I reread that last post again this morning, and I really wanted to delete it. But there is something in me that disagrees with ever deleting a completed post. All I can say is I'm glad I didn't say what was in my head. And I was drunk. Yes, this particular time, I was drunk. I had been out with a friend for dinner and had a martini and a Guinness. Those Guinnesses can do me in. And of course, when I came home I had a bit more to drink. And I've been feeling the warm fuzzies toward the MF of late, as you know. And out popped that thought in my head. Thank god my drunk ass was able to keep my lips closed so I didn't vocalize the thought. What's never been said does not need to be explained.

1 comment:

Robot Dancers said...

Blame it allll on the drink.
No one can hold you to anything if you just blame it on the drink.
Though the warm fuzzies are very cute.
That sounded dirty. Haha