Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Late Night Stream of Thought

Getting a touch of insomnia again. Probably from working long hours.

I finally caught up on my laundry. I actually have enough clean clothes to last over a week for once. I also cleaned out my car. My interns were shocked when I offered them a ride to the main office today. "Where can we sit?" Brendan asked. "Your car is a mess!"

"Ah ha," I replied. "But I cleaned it yesterday!" It actually holds 5 people again. Now poor Professor Bob just needs a good wash and vaccuum. The birds and summer bugs have not been kind to him. (Though I suspect the bugs would feel he hasn't been kind to them either.)

Fucking bug guts are like glue when they dry, too.

Oh, and I think I might have to get a root canal or something. My dentist filled a cavity that I hadn't even noticed but apparently was kind of deep, so he told me he packed it with medicine or something, and that might fix it but if it began to get sensitive at all to call him right away and he'd do a root canal. Do not wait until you are crying from the pain like you did last time, he told me.

It's been bothering me off and on for weeks. Part of my insomnia tonight is directly related to the tooth ache. Why do I wait like this? Prayer. I pray and pray that it will be better tomorrow, and sometimes it is, until it gets to the point where I'm popping codeine and rubbing whiskey on my gums all weekend, then forcing the dentist to come in on a Sunday afternoon because I just can't take it anymore.

Novacaine does not work on me, you see. There are two kinds--Cabocaine and Lanocaine. The dentist uses the stronger one on me now but that still doesn't work. I feel everything. Hence, I avoid him at all costs. I have to find one of those dentists that gives you pills or laughing gas for everything.

I'll put that on my list after getting my tonsils ripped out.