Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Yule Tidings 2007

3:15 AM
Woke up to preheat turkey roaster. Wrapped Xmas stocking presents and stuffed stocking for niece; wrapped Santa gift and disguised writing on label. Ate 2 cookies, threw the rest out. Made tiny bit of cocoa in bottom of mug and left cookie crumb lip marks on rim of mug. Threw carrots for reindeer the hell out. Melted butter and basted Turkey #1. Set alarm for 5 to preheat oven for Turkey #2. Did I mention there's also a ham? 40 people expected in 7 hours.

It's now 4:17 but am not tired enough to go back to sleep despite the fact that was up til 12:45 and woke up 3 times after that before alarm went off. It's probably a combination of:
  1. Am sick with 3rd cold in a month, thanks to taking care of sick niece last week.
  2. Ginny is crying at the bedroom door to be let out so she can go eat a 22 pound raw turkey all by herself.
  3. Did I mention this is the first Christmas without my mom? And I ran out of happy pills 2 days ago? Not going to be a great day...

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