Friday, January 25, 2008

I'll Think of a Clever Title When I'm Not So Tired...

Mike got really, really drunk last night and texted me like 18 times. I was on the phone with him I think 3 times. I believe the last communication was around 2:30 AM. Meanwhile, I was in bed with the MF...and had work in the AM. I was not happy. . The MF was not happy.

Details later.


Anonymous said...

Tina...that's when you turn off your phone.

Tina said...

Yes, this is what my friend Raquel told me. It's an old habit from when my mom was alive...I got enough late night calls about her being in the hospital or being sick at my sister's or something that now I'm a little afraid to turn the phone off in case there is a middle-of-the-night tragedy.

But seeing as how the MF seems to be no longer speaking to me, perhaps it's time I got over this fear...

Tina said...

and also learned to yell at friends when they act like assholes.

Anonymous said...

Oof on MF not talking to you.