Monday, March 26, 2007


There are only two ways to be bad, as far as I'm concerned: You can do some bad things and never tell anyone, or you can be totally evil and wear it as a badge of honor like a classic comic villain. Anything in between and you get screwed over. Of course, there are those who would say that if you're bad, you deserve to get screwed over. . .


I was talking with my friend Mike (not MY Mike--I've given up on him, I think--but another friend Mike). I'm having a game night at my apartment on Friday the 13th. Mike said we should use a Ouija board. I said that I was not crazy about the idea, seeing as how my apartment is in a very old house and perhaps there would be real ghosts. He said, "Don't worry. I know the rules. I saw Witchboard."

You know what? I miss being with people who were old enough to watch Witchboard when it came out. There's something to be said for spending time with people from your own generation, people who have shared experiences with you because you came of age in the same era. Then there are the people who I normally hang out with (and date and sleep with) who say things like, "Remember being in 6th grade listening to Nirvana?" And I say, "No. I remember being a senior in high school listening to Nirvana. I remember being in 6th grade and listening to Madonna sing Material Girl ON A RECORD PLAYER."

I'm old, man. I need to hang out with more old people. And FYI I do not still listen to Madonna.


dan said...


I loved that movie. I couldn't tell you why because it really wasn't that great, but man.

Talk about memory lane.

Tina said...

Yeah. I had forgotten about it until Mike brought it up, but I think that was the first real horror/thriller type film I ever saw.